Karaoke and Kabuki

Big Grin

Kieran smirked as his pack mate spoke a bit about his old home, picturing this ‘tipsy-tender’ breaking up a drunken brawl. “Sure seems like an interesting job.” He was another who had journeyed from home and ended up here. The ‘Souls area appeared to attract many travelers. Suddenly Sedition almost disappeared behind the bar, before quickly popping up with a box in his hands. The spaher took a look into the box, noticing an abundance of some tiny, rather pink umbrellas. He grinned at the umbrella placed in his glass. It made the drink appear even livelier.

Another soul waltzed into the bar as he pulled his drink over. His gold eyes studied her for a moment as he realized that she was both unfamiliar in appearance and scent. He grabbed his drink, knocked it back, and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he enjoyed the long-missed feeling of strong alcohol burning in his throat. Then, turning to the hybrid lady that had just joined them, he introduced himself with a smile and a nod. “Kieran Heartsong. Welcome to the bar.” Well, this was going to turn into quite the little party, wasn’t it? The more, the merrier, he always said.


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