Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes

___ This girl sure had spunk, that was easy to see. Apollo didn’t mind so much. In fact, her eagerness had brought a smile upon the arctic boy’s lips. "Sure you can have one. I found it somewhere when I was younger; in one of those human buildings. I’ll bring you one sometime if I can find another one." He wasn’t sure how to answer her question of where he had come from. There were many places that Apollo had lived throughout his life, so he wasn’t quite sure which answer would be most appropriate. As he stumbled for an answer, the little girl relieved him. Instead, she rattled off a name the young Haddix was plently familiar with.

___ "She’s like my aunt; Naniko." At least, that’s how Apollo remembered their relationship. It was sort of confusing, because there had been adoptions and mateships to skew how their ties went. "I grew up with Naniko too, in a pack called Twilight Vale. But that pack’s gone now. Last I knew, Naniko was a leader here in Crimson Dreams." He motioned vaguely in the direction of the mansion. He looked back to Addison then, eyes mirroring his curiosity. "You’re adopted? By who?"


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