The World Keeps Turning
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The woman’s eyes sought the other. A demon. Yes, she had often thought that of him; and yet, she felt as if the full meaning of that word’s association with the crow wolf had only been a recent thing. When she was young, her father and mother were the only creatures she had known. Corvus had taken care to keep the two females isolated from the rest of the world. While her father had brought fear upon her young heart, the girl was also captivated. He was different than her mother—there was no doubt about that. He was darker, more powerful, and she was intrigued by that. But deep within her mother’s silence, she knew that something was wrong. That dark charisma had captivated her mother as well, and it had resulted in the birth of that daughter. While Cwmfen would have been too young to comprehend this, she was not too young to understand the danger of that man. And so, when he killed her mother, she knew what would happen. She knew what he wanted. And she had run. Yet, the man had caught up with her and he had raped her, taking her virginity to mark her as his. And then he had left her, waiting for her body to reach maturity so that he could take what he believed was his. Yes, to the woman this man was a demon. And he had passed from the shadow of her thoughts into the inescapable reality.

"Andras," the woman repeated quietly, almost with wonder. That name was unfamiliar to the woman, but the golden boy’s description seemed accurate enough. And her father’s sword was the darkness he wielded, piercing the hearts of his victims and killing them. "He will be destroyed," the woman vowed, that soft melody sung with certainty. "His time draws near." Or at least the time of hid judgment. Her dreams had been revealing hints of such a thing, and she believed it to be true. She felt it in the air. But what was she waiting for? Already Tokyo and Slay had paid for her. The woman released a soft sigh as her gaze turned back to the world that opened up before them. Her hands gripped the dark ash, feeling it in her hands as if it held the secret answers of her questions. But there was nothing.

"You mustn’t go after him," the woman said suddenly, her head turning to look upon the boy once more. She had asked a similar thing of Catalyst, though it involved the puppy eater Brennt. But she was solemn as she requested it of this boy, the white eyes meeting his gaze with that quiet intensity. "That is not your battle to fight." Perhaps the coyote would think it so. He had been a victim of her father as well—did he not have the right to avenge himself, his honor? The warrior understood this, but she knew as well that the coyote could not win against him. She did not even know if she could, but she knew that she must face him. Perhaps she could consider that her life’s turning point, the event that would determine the strength of her character. And this boy’s metaphorical dragon would come at some point in his life. But it was not this one.


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