The World Keeps Turning
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His simple answer made the black female relieved. But she did not miss that seething anger within the young man’s voice. Anger was a dangerous thing if left unchecked—a warrior would know that. Loss of control was no light matter. Terrible things happened when anger was allowed to reign, and not only to the people around but to the soul as well. Fear, anger, and hate were the three seductive sisters that all beings, especially warriors, must be careful of. And it was especially dangerous for the boy. Right now, in the stage between novice and master, his skill was a dangerous thing, something to be reckoned with. He was coming to that point where he would be able to consider himself a master of war, but he would have to be careful of himself. Pride could easily get in the way, and Pride was the thing that drew the three sisters into the psychological wounds so easily made.

Her head turned slowly when he spoke, her head tilted slightly. My mother, she thought briefly with that quiet melancholy. But when he spoke of herself, the woman paused, looking absently down at the dark ash between their sitting forms. A light smile danced lightly upon her maw. "She was...enduring and patient," the soft melody said at length, "and she loved me." That had been the most important thing for the young Cwmfen, for in that isolated world there had only been Graine and Corvus. "But there is nothing remarkable about me. I still have the same—if not greater—potential of Darkness within my soul." It had been something that the warrior had been cautious of. She knew the stories of children wrought of rape, the anger of the mother permeating the body as the child was conceived and formed in the womb. She thought that such a thing was the reason for her infatuation of with the Darkness within others, but she was careful not to freeze her fingers upon the cold soul of evil. And perhaps that was why she feared Corvus. Perhaps she feared him because she thought that he might awaken the dormant darkness within her.

There was a long silence as the white orbs turned out into the world once more, seeing nothing save for the images of her mind. She was relatively comfortable in the presence of Ezekiel, believing that he was someone to be called a friend. "Did your father look poorly upon our meetings?" the quiet melody inquired suddenly. The woad warrior thought back to that night when she had trespassed upon Inferni territory carrying Ezekiel. It had been as if the young man had not informed his father of those meetings. And the Adonis could not deny that she had enjoyed such a thing. She wondered now if Ezekiel, when he was ready, still wished to continue those lessons. But that also depended upon the word of Gabriel, she knew, for the two canines were of different and opposing packs.


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