la planete sauvage
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___ Out of character stuff goes hurr.

     The wolfish boy spoke peculiarly—his accent was unfamiliar to Gabriel, who had not traveled further north then the old territories. His ears flared forward at this, puzzled, and then turned as Ezekiel offered the same lackluster explanation. He knew that there was something beyond this, but neither of the boys were giving him ground. Frustrated, he shot a glare at his son. “Ezekiel, go.” Though the golden-boy looked as if he wanted to say something further, he nodded and left, skulking off into the tall grass.
     Alone now, the Aquila looked to the unfamiliar boy.
“I haven’t seen you before, so I can understand why he attacked you. If I hadn’t smelled Inferni’s scent on you I would have assumed you were a wolf as well.”
That had been chance; the stranger looked nothing like a coyote.


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