But I seem to need to all the time
Private Lillith, Cwmfen and Cercelee. Lillith reply first, please 500+

The man moved slowly over the Dahlian border, slightly limping. This complete lack of strength was foreign to him. He was tired, and more than anything the Lilium of Dahlia de Mai wanted to sleep, sleep for a very long time. The black goddess was by his side, his blood still coursing through her veins. It was an exhilarating thing. Never before had Haku been more certain in his judgement of another being. She was him, and he was her, they were going to be together. Where he was violent and spontaneous, she was twisted and calculating. Two brilliant halves forged into one when close. He leaned at her, at times heavier than he thought was comfortable for her, but his body was not his own. The blood loss had been severe, and he had not been able to reach Dahlia before the day after. This was a good thing, so that the injuries had stopped leaking and visibly belonged a few days in back, merely half a day before he had ruined Svara.

The woman next to him knew the altered version well. Truth be told, the reddish female had begged for it, so all in all this was her fault. He had tried to leave several times, but she had not allowed him to. When she had attacked him, then he stood free to attack her. Haku did not see why he should be blamed, but he knew that Svara would never reveal the true version as long as it was clear that this was her doing. He was certain she would want to destroy him. Maybe that was why she had allowed him to hurt her. Maybe it was all staged. The Lilium did not grant her such a compliment. She could not outwit him. If she and her mate wanted to take him down, then he would show them what hell was. He was going to fix this. He and his beautiful, dark woman were going to fix this. The male panted heavily, out of breath from a walk that normally wouldn’t have increased his heart rate over normal walking pulse.

He lifted his face up towards the morning sky and let out a howl, a request for the Rosea and Adonis. He had to get there first; he would smooth things out and present the situation as it should be presented. This was not his fault, although the story had been slightly altered for safety sake. Truth be told, this was mainly because he did not trust his co-leaders anymore. Cwmfen was with the coyote that wished harm upon him for something only he knew (Haku surely did not know), and Cercelee knew very well what he was capable of – would she believe him at all? Svara was a mad, pathetic woman, this was well known, and he would reveal to them exactly how pathetic and vain she could be. His body was weak, although some of the cuts were not deep. He was a male, superior to the reddish loner, and so his general injuries would not be too fatal. The bite in his neck was a fatal one, an excuse for him to take it all out and fight for his life. If Lillith had not been there to help him cover up the wound until it slowed it’s bleeding, he would already have been dead.


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