But I seem to need to all the time
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Their meeting was a blur of sound and motion; part of her felt disconnected from reality. She was standing there with all three of them and yet, none of it seemed real. Why she’d gotten herself involved in this mess, she did not know anymore. A bleak expression adorned her face as her aquamarine gaze flittered from one woman to the other. The darker one seemed skeptical of the story provided; it was the Lilium’s responsibility to answer whatever questions she had, hence why she paid little attention to what was being said. Her indifference vanished though, as a second question rang through the air.

Her composure almost gave way when the haughty Adonis referred to her as a strange loner. The madwoman’s eyes darkened briefly, shamelessly exhibiting her annoyance with the term she’d used. Lillith couldn’t help but wonder why she’d been deemed “strange”, especially when she’d done nothing to be considered as such. Comments were kept to herself, even though she had a few choice words for the so-called warrior. She was the strange one, with those empty eyes and blue markings. There was a silent mockery in her blue-green orbs, apparent enough for little miss righteous to see.

Haku piped up before she could; giving her the opportunity to remain blissfully silent. Before anything else could be thrown at her, the ashen femme lowered her beau to the ground (with his help, of course). Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, long enough for her to bid him a silent goodbye and be on her way. She left all three of them standing there, refusing to withstand their belittlement any longer.


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