the writing in the sky

XD it's just too sad.

Anu was almost there! Hemming watched as the lithe female reached up to the branch that clung to the kite. A smile was plastered across his face in anticipation of their sucess, and he maneuvred around the tree to get the best view. Just as his blood was pumping from anticipation, it was also pumping from trepidation. Most of the branches up there were thin and would not support the lady's weight if she needed to grab onto them.

The male's eyes were fixed on the kite, and though they widened when the kite started to fall, they remained trained on the object as it plunged through the other branches of the tree. Quickly, he stepped crabwise around the thick trunk as he tried to predict where it would exit the aura of leaves. The kite bounced around, and seemed as if it was about to fall right in to his arms. Just as it was travelling through the last few branches, however, it struck one and was sent off to the side and to the ground.

Hemming rushed over to it and picked it up, curious to see if it had withstood the fall. The rescue mission hadn't been a complete failure: the kite was retrieved, if not in perfect condition. The frame was slightly crooked, but the male fixed it with a little tweaking, and the edges of the woven mat that had acted as the kite's sails were a bit frayed. Overall, though, the thing could probably still fly after a bit of reinforcement here and there. The male grinned and cried up to the female, "Don't worry! It's fine! Can you see a good way to get down?"

More important than the safety of the kite was that of the wolf that had retrieved it. Hemming held the kite at his side and shielded his eyes with the other hand, watching Anu.


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