Concrete jungle


Things have changed, thinking Leroy's red eyes scanned the buildings for supplies he will need. Besides the group forming a pack and Svara pressuring him for answers he has changed too, Firefly might think he is wrong to not tell her but he had his own reasons and feelings to deal with. Blinking Leroy thought about telling her about their past, it was the matter of her reactions and other things she has to deal with if he did. Her memory loss was the man reason he has been to himself, it was all his fault, that guilt still pooled in his stomach and the husky wasn't going to fill her with memories an feelings so soon.

Sighing Leroy leaned inside the familiar building, looking about the items on the stores floors.This was the man reason he had traveled to the city, tools and supplies, not supplies like food but the kind that would be very helpful during building. Hell a very more blankets and even a small couch would be nice, but larges things can wait. Old plastic crunched as he walked deeper inside the store, there was many interesting items that had caught his attention. A metal hammer, saw, nails, and many more useful tools. Leroy looked around as he remembered this store from before, he had ran into a Crimson Dreams member here but the thought was quickly pasted.

A annoyed rumble emitted from his chest at the length of his hair, normal at a spiky height where is barely hung in his eyes it now covered his face. A smile pulled at the patterned man's face as he reached down grabbing the pair of knives, pulling one from the leather holder it shined aside from the build up of dust. Fingers tangled themselves in his hair as he moved to the large mirror on the wall, using the knife Leroy cut away the mass if hair back to short spiky fur. Shacking away the cut fur it felt nice to have it out of his eyes again, picking up the leather holder Leroy placed the knife with the other two. He will defiantly be bring this back.
table by Syd


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