Son of Sun
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Still waters run deep

The scents on the wind told many things to the blind girl. Depending upon which direction it was blowing, she could smell her fellow packmembers, if they were within range. Being blind might have been an inconvenience on occasion, but the fact that her other senses were keener because of it balanced the equation. The most recent gust of ocean wind had brought with it the nearby scent of her best friend and her king. 'He'd better not be taking a nap!' she told herself. She loved and respected her king like an older brother, but that didn't mean that she couldn't reprimand him when he was being lazy. This was a nice day, why waste it by lying around on a rock. It did not occur to the fragile optime that that had been mostly what she had done over the past week or so that Jacquez had been gone. Granted she had been greatly distressed over his absence and exhausted, but she had still been fairly lazy.

That wasn't going to stop her from telling the king a thing or two. She made her way towards the rock where Jac was lying, having memorized more of the area surrounding the cabin. However, the rock he was on was the very extent of her memorized route. Even for someone with as good a memory as her's, there were only so many tangible details of an area that could be memorized. However, what knowledge she had of the route to the rock cut her travel time in half and in about a minute, the delicate border collie traipsed up to the large rock, her keen sense of smell informing her that Jac was right in front of her. "Isn't there something you should be doing right now? Everbody else is off doing something, but you're here sleeping! If you want to be lazy, the least you could do is invite me to be lazy with you," her soprano voice scolded in mock irritation. She couldn't keep up with her ruse for long, however, as she laughed almost immediately after she had spoken her last words. The slate and ivory dog did her best to feel her way up onto the rock, only stopping when her hand touched Jac's fur, which told her that she was next to him. If he was going to stay lying down, he'd have to make room for her.


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