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___ He had emptied his back pack in order to make room for his supply run. Halifax was full of strange odds and ends, if you looked in the right places. Although 'the castle' was fairly well stocked, Apollo figured it wouldn’t hurt to try to hunt down some other things for his new home. After all, he wanted to make sure the lake house was the best that it possibly could be.

___ The sun loomed high in the sky, marking the middle of the afternoon. It was fairly warm, though a cool breeze helped tame any discomfort. Apollo had decided only to adorn himself in the ripped off jean shorts, accompanied by the always present blue bandana wrapped around his forehead. Clawed fingers reached for the door, and a dull bell sounded as he stepped into the light. That store hadn’t offer much, but the young Haddix had been able to score a couple books of matches, a can of bug spray (which he took only because he thought it was more spray paint), and a small blanket. "Not too bad," he spoke to himself, as his feet hit the warm pavement of the crumbling street beneath him.


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