do no sinful action

Bah, was going to skip you but you're too fast! Tongue I just took the liberty of finishing the whole thing, but you two can post again and such if you want of course Smile

The two confirmed his assumptions and he gave a pleased face upon hearing that the male was interested in carpeting. Dawali was somewhat of a builder himself, but his skills were only as deep as was necessary to repair a house and the like - the building of the town hall came along very slowly with him as the only worker, and an extra pair of keen hands would be appreciated beyond what could be expressed. Nodding at all the words Ember had to say about him, he then stated, immediately after her finishing, that it sounded like a very good deal to him. After all, Ember had deemed a lot of current members worthy of their membership in the tribe, and she had not been wrong yet. In addition it seemed she took the care to scout despite not being a scout, and he trusted her judgement of person. I could certainly need help, especially on the building side of the village. You are gladly welcomed among us, Romeo. I'm certain Ember could show you around if you want to - I'm desperately trying to repair my tools at the moment, and afraid I can't let it wait too long. Oh soon it would be the cold half year again and the town hall had to be standing by then, preferably before the beginning of it. Perhaps now he could actually imagine himself to finish it ever, with the aid of Romeo.

Nodding again in that profound way, now as a good-bye, he shot Ember a small smile before waving his hand and turning around to return where he had come from. Hopefully the stranger would not think him abrupt, but if so he was sure Ember could rectify that impression. She knew the workload that was upon him these days.

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin

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