The Morning Dew
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She giggled at that fact, and assumed that ‘Atilla’ was a sister or brother. "But sleeping is fun toos!" she exclaimed, her tail wagging happily. "One time, I has a dream about a cloud!" she explained. "It was awll fluffy an’ in the skai, an’ then it turned into a butterfwy and I chaseded it!" Her eyes were wide and round, as if that story were something very amazing. That butterfly in her dream must have been what boy butterflies looked like, she thought, because it was not colourful—only white. She smiled and nodded to her mocha friend’s invitation. "I’s will comes to visit yous, an’ I ask my momma!" She told her mother everything, and every day she’d tell her what happened—every little detail on and on and on. And the creamy pup did not think that her momma would say no—she couldn’t say no, could she?

They wrestled and they paused, and the girl’s breathing was elevated with the effort and with excitement. "What is toefur," the girl asked suddenly. It sounded funny, and it must be if they played keep-away with it. "We plays those games too!" It was exciting to know how similar they were! Of course, it was not like they were completely different species, but they came from different places. Maybe they did different things too! "Umm," the little girl said, thinking very hard, her tongue sticking out as she frowned with concentration. "Sometimes we chases the rabbits—but theys too fast for me," and then she giggled. Maybe chasing a prey animal wasn’t as fun as playing tag or hide and seek, but it was still fun. One day she would be fast enough, and then she would be so proud! "An’ sometimes I’s likes to jus’ run around..." The creamy pup smiled sheepishly.


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