just so sick of feeling less than perfect
this post kinda sucks, sorry. ><.


Calypso dropped the rabbit and proceeded to tear off a large chunk of the haunch. Crunching on the bit of bone on the limb, he chewed up the piece and piled the shreds near where Sofia was dozing. Nudging her awake, he gestured towards the food: "Eat up, darling." She gave a large yawn and sniffed the bunny. Deciding it was worth waking up for, she set in on the meat with the short-lived, ferocious hunger of puppies, over-estimating how much they can actually eat. With that settled, Calypso went about consuming the rest of the rabbit.

When Sofia had eaten as much as she could, she wandered closer towards her father, clambering upon his back and trying to attack his tail from her perch. A twitch sent her sprawling, but it only caused her to attack with renewed vigor when she regained her footing. Laughing, Calypso let himself be pinned down by the tiny puppy. Sofia exclaimed with happiness and hopped off, prancing around in her version of a victory dance.

The sun warmed his light-hued belly as Calypso lay there in the patch of grass, his daughters happiness echoing in his ears. Life was good, better than he could ever remember.

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