The Dream of *Joining*
Tanya Starr
August 6th, 2008
Canis lupus arctos ortus
Yahoo! Mail (

After the fifth time of walking most of the border, Tanya started to wonder if she would ever be in a pack. She kept on remembering all the nightmares she had lately. They all had something to do with her being killed. She started to wonder if that was really her fate. It could always be that she died alone someday, and this was worse than any of the dreams she'd had yet. She never quite knew why she had such dreams. She'd always thought herself to be a likable person.
Shaking the images from her mind, Tanya went back to the border, still waiting for someone to come. As she jogged around the invisible line, it suddenly struck her that she didn't know what to do after someone showed. Does she bow, and ask to join; state her name? Or does she wait, and only speak when spoken to? Such a procedure was much more complex than it sounded. And it sounded pretty difficult in the first place.
Sighing, Tanya quickly circled a select spot in the grass a few times, dropped onto her stomach, and rested her head on her paws. She'd wait patiently right there. Even if it meant all night.

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