The Cemetery Has it's Ways...
Willow sat calmly on a small bench within the Queen of Piety Cemetery. There rested many humans who had fought in wars, who died of illness, or whom died of other things. Once, there were gravestones, all cared for and still in tact, but now they were all buried under the overwhelming tree roots. If you looked hard enough though, you could see some of the remnants, and maybe read whats left of the inscriptions. In a way, the dead was comforting below. At least you knew someone was there in a sense.

The only reason Willow was there was to think a little. She had been going insane with the thought of her brother, Johannas. He had left her alone after their mother died. She would have understand, if it wasn't for the fact he left so suddenly, and without a word. Either way, she still wanted to say goodbye to him. Johannas was the only one she really loved. He had always been there for her. He'd been her best friend and her shelter. He took care of her when her mother stopped caring for them, and even herself.

Willow swore to herself that she'd find him someday. She find out if he really still cared. Until then, she'd enjoy the scenery of the old cemetery.

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