the outlaw torn
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The Acer felt light-headed, floating in a sea of uncertainty. His explanation was like static; a mixture of sounds intermingled together. Her mind was reeling from the information thrown at her. She was succumbing to the inner turmoil, feeling her composure shatter with every word spoken. Honey-hued orbs remained focused on those emerald eyes, seeking comfort in his gaze like she'd done a million times before. As much as she hated to admit it, he was partly right. Deserters didn’t normally come back. Shaking her head at the overflow of information thrown her way, Alexey cautiously took a step back. While she understood now that perhaps he hadn’t meant to hurt her, the damage seemed irreversible. There was a heartrending feeling in the pit of her stomach, threatening to break loose any moment now.

His version of the facts was extravagant to say the least, but the Caregiver found it in her heart to believe him. Kol’s disappearance made it all too plausible. Knowing that her missing best friend was now carrying products of rape made her insides churn. Although she was terribly saddened by the revelation, she couldn’t help but feel angry with the two siblings. No one had infiltrated Dahlia de Mai prior to their disappearance, or the Koios girl certainly would’ve been able to track the foreign smell. Her flair was one of her best assets. “Where were you when this happened?” she questioned, remembering the countless times they’d fought over Lexey leaving the pack lands on her own. It seemed as though the Stormbringer siblings could’ve prevented this from happening, had they been more careful.

“I’m glad she’s doing okay, despite the circumstances.” she continued, making allusion to his dark-colored littermate, Pretending not to care was too hard, and Kol didn’t deserve such a treatment. It was ironic really, how both of the Stormbringer siblings had made it their life’s mission to protect Alexey, when they should’ve been watching their own backs before anyone else’s. “Don’t disappoint us again, Filix.” Her eyes flashed with golden fire as his newly assigned rank rolled off her tongue. She wanted nothing more than to let him hold her. The tawny femme missed his touch, his warmth, the aura of security emanating from his body. A lump had formed in her throat then, knowing she’d eventually have to tell him about DaVinci. That is, if she ever found the courage to do so.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to check with Conor before coming home, seeing as it’s his house too now,” she asserted, allowing herself to loosen up ever so slightly. Her eyes were the epitome of mischief.


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