a little unbroken


don't let me be carried away

Savina should have known better than to let the boy's surname color any of her thoughts of him. After all, she despised her own father. The only person she hated more than Serge Russo was Conri Church and it was a close second. She had to admit, his words shocked her. That woman was a mother herself and yet she would strike someone else's child? The raging bitch! The fires that had been dormant shot up in her eyes, but she looked off into the distance, not at Ares. While she was a mother, it seemed the woman was not a very good mother. It was no surprise. She looked more kindly then on the youth. "I understand what it is like to have a parent that you do not want." Thankfully now she had an ocean sitting between her father and herself.

Ah, so he had decided that he didn't want to be in the same pack as his mother. Well, if he wanted to be away from her then he had come to the right place. Tokyo would be in large trouble if she ever set food near or on Crimson Dreams territory again. "I am Savina Marino, the Lt. General here." With how rude his mother was and in light of the fact that she probably had taught him little she was willing to overlook his lack of show of respect. "What is it that you believe you could offer Crimson Dreams, Ares?" They didn't ask for much. Even if he was only good at hunting they could use him.


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