a little unbroken
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ooc -
so yeah this'll be my last post for now, but another thread in a bit for sure~ 255 words.

ic -
Ares thought that was sort of weird, then. Why take army-like rank names if the pack didn't even resemble an army? It confused him, but maybe it was a common trend among packs just to pick whichever ranks they fancied most, regardless of rhyme or reason. Surely it was their prerogative, and it wasn't like he had ever been in a pack before, he couldn't really compare Crimson Dreams to anywhere else. As much as Ares understood that the "being like a family" concept was supposed to be a good thing, he subconsciously very much did not associate family members with looking out for or helping each other. So he decided he'd think of Crimson Dreams sort of as an army, anyway. Because all the stories he had read glorified the sort of brotherhood that came with such a thing - and that was what family was supposed to be like, yeah?

Savina said some pretty things about everyone helping each other out, but again, Ares wasn't counting on it. It really was more than enough that Tokyo was forbidden here - this land would be a safe haven from the creature of his nightmares. And there was likely a lot of food, if a pack was content to stay mostly confined to these lands. He was now a Basic Officer of Crimsons Dreams. That just sounded so cool. His chest puffed up a little in pride, regaining some of the confidence that had wilted earlier. "Thank you." He said earnestly. "A tour would be great."


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