That Day Has Come
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He held her firmly, his touch upon her head and ears soothing. She breathed a soft sigh, comforted by his presence. The shadows of her mind, which should no longer have existed, were replaced by something brighter. And for once she could hear the songs of the world and could listen. And she heard the song of his heartbeat and listened. If only this moment could have lasted. His confident words made her look up, and she saw the faint smile upon her lips. She was silent, responding without words as her muzzle brushed against his neck. A weak smile flickered across her maw, but for the tenebrous circumstances, the smile shone like the sun.

But the light of the sun was stolen away by dark clouds, neither thundering nor weeping, but silent in their movement. So easily they seemed to steal the light away. And without it, the woman could not keep her mind afloat. With her eyes closed, in a darkness of her own, the weariness was easy to succumb to. It washed over her like the waves of a glacial lake, cold and smooth, gentle in their efforts to take her. There were warnings in her mind that came with the knowledge of what was occurring within her body, warnings that told her to drink and to eat and, most of all to rest. But she felt as if she would fall away too deeply into a Dream, that she would sleep too long. She was not alone in that room, but she wanted to be. She wanted to be a lone so that she would stop causing Onus pain. It seemed always that by her own hands he hurt the most, and so it was easy to succumb to that weary wave.

His hand upon her side was soft, warm, but somehow it was distant. The black fae remained still, uncertainty spilling into her mind, unfamiliar but not foreign. At the sound of her name upon that voice her mind lifted. Her ears moved weakly in response as her eyes opened, white slits in the darkness of her fur. A sadness flickered across her brow as he spoke. She knew it was true, that every words he spoke was a promise. It was more than she felt she deserved. He did not have to stay with her, he did not have to watch a demon’s child be spilt from her body. Her hand sought his, grasping it tightly. But she did need him—so deeply. Slowly, she turned onto her back and found him much closer than she had anticipated. The white orbs looked up at him. "Forgive me," she whispered. "I didn’t mean to hurt you." Her breath sighed from her. "But I need you. I love you." Her voice had grown so quiet that it was as if her thoughts had slid upon her tongue. Her hand shifted slightly as if to better hold him, as if she were afraid he would disappear like a Dream.


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