banshee beat
Sorry that this is so little! I know you don't have much time to write as it is, though.

Again he found himself having to hide his reaction (manners, manners) — this time a smirk instead of a scowl. He looked away, breeze artistically brushing fringe from his face at just the right moment, the excuse of seeking the sunrise dancing across his mind. Some might have found that rude, but she looked like she might die if he kept looking at her. Apparently she hadn't picked up on his sarcasm, but, fortunately, he didn't much feel like exploiting that today. She raised an interesting question: why would someone do it? Oh, lots of reasons. "War?" It was simple enough. Humans and beasts alike were frightening in their pursuit of justice, truth, hedonism or just whatever they thought was right. He tsked mildly... he was far too civilized for this world. Maybe even passive. His fatal flaw. "Or spite."

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