She's a wild one
Firefly didn't really care what the male thought of her just yet but she was very much interested in how he got there, for the time being. The answer he provided her with caused her to slightly relax as she eyed him, wondering just what was his story, was he a smart cookie or was he one of those shallow types. She'd prefer the second, because if she got what she wanted from him there was less of a chance of a hissy fit insuing when she wandered off and played her next hand in life.

His grip on the limb tightened as she felt the slight sway of motion. Her eyes lingered on the male as she dryly replied, "If I end up in this water you will be more trouble than you are worth.." Maybe she could con him into giving her what she wanted if he was foolish enough to toss her in the river to save his own ass. She would try and enforce such things, she had no problem pulling rank, even though in their pack it was almost useless.

She let out a yawn as she flicked her tail back and forth, the tip brushing over the male's arm as she wondered why he was just clinging there like a half drought rat. The tempting idea of pushing him in did cross her mind but she doubted that was the right way to go about making the boy drool over her looks and dance the dance she wanted him too.

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