She's a wild one

He was forced to turn away or get wet tail to collide with his face. Now she just seemed oh so very playful, though her voice didn't seem to match her body language at first. Strel still thought she was just trying to get to him for interrupting her or disobeying her. Now the male honestly wanted to get the female knocked off the branch and into the water. Though she would probably end up trying to use him as a walking towel. That or shove him into the river as vengeance.

"Privileges? Like who gets to harass the new people more often?" he snorted, recalling how Svara had come onto his entrance to the pack, and then started insulting him a couple of times. "Or is it like, who gets to... ugh I don't even know." He pulled a face, eyeing Firefly carefully. She scooted towards him, and was wringing out her tail. Strel moved over a bit, thinking she was trying to get him wet. His feet were in the water. That was enough for him. "You knoooow, you haven't introduced yourself."


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