Return of innocence
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Buttface! (300)

The boy had spent the night over, and the new day looked bright and colourful, even in his usually pessimistic eyes. It was time to go home, because Lexey had to be very worried about her favourite man. Yes, this was true. His heart fluttered lightly at the thought, that she was only his. The boy knew that a man had been with her for a while, but he had not been there when Conor had moved in with her, and it was just them two. His life had turned completely the moment he had moved in with her, and for once, his happiness seemed like something less fragile and longer lasting. Conor was slowly growing up. He had started to understand more about his own situation. He had been foolish to attempt to follow in his father’s footsteps. It had not been many attempts before the boy had realized that it had not helped being cruel to others. The mere fact that he had tried to.. it made him sad. Things were going okayish now though. He could soon breathe safely.

The little boy had started following his own trail from the day before when Cambria had found him. It was a bit weak, but his nose was well developed, and he was quite certain that he would find his way back without getting lost. There was pride beating in his heart. Conor Soul had managed to do something on his own. He had gone all the way to Dreams pack to say sorry to pretty Cambria, and now he would go back. Maybe he was not as pathetic as he always had thought. There was definitely improvement here. It was a relief not to feel the sadness eat him away, although there was a bit of worry in his heart. His father was always overshadowing his life, but there was also something else. A little creature that now lived in his room. The little fox that he had saved from his dad’s claws.


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