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There was a yellow, thick plant that popped up from a hole. For a moment, the Highland animal stood still, its slow brain attempting to calculate exactly what had happened. Perhaps it had been there all along. It smelled of danger, of smaller creatures than itself, yet very dangerous if they were in a group. The cow was unsure what to think of it all, because there was so much smell and no figures. It was positive that trees and grass were not danger, and that was all that was in sight. The yellow thing! It was gone! The large bull stretched its neck out in the direction of where it had believed there had been something yellowish, but now no more. The creature huffed loudly, forcing air in and out of its large nostrils, unable to understand how this could be.

The giant bull advanced slowly, still believing the yellow plant had to be somewhere. The Highland cow’s fur brushed against the square formed tree, until it heard something squish under one of its magnificent hooves. It hesitated for a moment before continuing to walk towards the dark hole, not even checking out what it had stepped on.


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