there's nothing stranger than a stranger.

        The old man had taught Jael many things he otherwise would not know at this age and from his upbringing. Vitium was an ignorant creature and Jael was a dreamer and a philosopher, wishing to learn and to think and to reason on his own through knowledge and experience. They had discussed issues many others avoided or simply didn’t care about, leading the boy to possess a certain way of thinking and exploring the possibilities behind and around everything. He had been encouraged to question and not to blindly believe, and so he did. In the end the old man had died at Jael’s own hand—something that lead to his desire to avoid bloodshed and murder, for sorrow still tinged his memories of his mentor of sorts. The wisdom gained through years of existence had been passed on to the child even though he’d yet to live for a single year, allowing his soul and mind to have aged must faster than his physical frame. He wasn’t a genius or a reincarnated soul—rather simply an apt pupil with a proper teacher.

        Kaena believed in something, if not an almighty god that controlled everything and everyone. “Karma,” he said with a grin, having listened to what she had to say in response. Another old belief of the humans, stating that if you did good unto others, it would be returned unto to you; while if you did bad, you’d receive misery in return. Revenge and anger created a sort of karma, wishing to return the pain someone’s received to ease their own sorrow and avenge those harmed. Perhaps the humans had held some truth in their beliefs other than the simple fantasy and stories they’d imagined up to explain the things they couldn’t explain in the world. But right along with karma came reincarnation, believing one lived countless lives in different bodies and stories until they were ready to be absorbed into the omnipotent once encountering enlightenment.

         “You kill someone, someone they knew and loved wants to kill you back. The only way to avoid that is finding some unloved, unwanted stray no one would miss,” the boy continued, sarcasm now silently lacing the truth and intent behind his words.


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