Can't keep my hands to myself.
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Sorry this took so long, >.<

Lysander stared down at the girl, who tried her hardest to be threatening, and while all he wanted to do was smile and laugh at the small creature, he tucked his tail between his legs and laid his ears back rather sheepishly. Of course, it was all for her benefit, not his. He did not care what the Dahlians thought of him, he didn’t care if she called for help, but the young girl tried so hard to be adult, he couldn’t help but comply. Inside he was all giggles and good times, but outwardly he gave the appearance of submission to the tiny female before him. Lysander hoped it boosted her ego. “Of course, of course, I apologize miss. I’m…” He stared down at her, resisting the urge to smile, “only looking around. Really. No harm done.” His voice was gentle and warm, lulling. Despite his other gestures at submission he let his eyes make contact with her own, they were a goldy-blue.

Slowly he let his tail unfurl and wave behind him, his ears perked forward again. Standing on two legs it felt strange to engage in the body language of the lupus, at least for him. Sometimes he felt that the luperci were becoming too far removed from their roots, more human than canine. More and more their lives were becoming less about survival of the fittest and more political, more personal. Less wild and more domestic. Their were those who even went so far as to enslave other animals for their own means. When he stood on four legs he felt as if he could reject that all, return to his wild roots. Yet standing on two legs, he did feel more civilized, more justified in shaking hands than sniffing noses. Slowly he straightened himself out and peered down at the girl, his face still apologetic. “Would it really be so much trouble to let me have a look around? You can accompany me, make sure I don’t do anything…” It sounds like a fair proposal to him.


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