Heaven Or hell?

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Hai. Toldja I'd get something up =)

Let me show you the wonders of life

Hanna was walking down the silver-sanded beach, thinking hard. She was still making her way steadily southward, and she'd crossed from the airport to the beach to make sure she didn't get turned around. She knew basically where she was at now, but had Hanna gotten herself going the wrong way now, she might cover six or seven miles at her current pace before the sun's rising in the east clued her in.

So she went, walking in the damp sand with the breakers sweeping around her ankles. It was a beautiful night, warm in contrast with the salt-water. A smile crossed Hanna's face as she halted and raised it to gaze upon the moon. When her eyes lowered, they fell conveniently to what appeared to be a blood-red body lying on its side in the sand just inland. Then the medic noticed that the hand of the body was moving, sifting sand.

Settling the straps of her satchels a little further up her shoulders, and running a subconscious hand over her slashed but healed snout, the woman scuffed her way over to the figure, making intentional noise so she would avoid startling her, for a her it turned out to be. Her red hair fanned out around her head, much like a halo, though that had, at last count, been fairly incongruous with her attitude.

"Svara. Long time no see. You're looking good, my dear." Her eyes were unbandaged, and looked near-perfect compared with the last time Hanna had seen her pupil, when she'd gifted the staff to her. Svara'd been just over her majority then, and it seemed longer than just a few months ago. The girl was no longer a child; but really, Hanna asked herself, had she ever truly been? In any case, she was a full-fledged woman now, and Hanna was pleased to know she'd grown stronger still since they'd parted ways.

Slinging her packs to one side, the dark-furred woman took a seat next to Svara, knees bent, arms clasped loosely around them, staring out at the water, her own loosed, long hair draping across her shoulders like a mantle.


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