The strangeness of a face

speaking of word diarrhea.. >__>; (447)
mall-caps;color:#555555;line-height:10px;">i am picking at remains of other lives
and watching colors and tragic looking passerbys.

         “I’m not so foolish to believe coyotes haven’t done their share of bloodshed. On the contrary, I know there are those out there who’ve attacked and spilled blood without any provocation whatsoever. But naturally in the order of the world it’s the wolves that aim to rid of any competition, and coyotes are the smaller, lesser predator on the food chain, easily pushed out of their territory against a pack of wolves. It’s biology and it’s how the world around us works, I do know that,” stated Jael, aggression and defense for “his” species growing in his voice. While the hybrid was barely a hybrid, more wolf than anything else, he had chosen the coyote clan and thus picked his own fate inadvertently. Age didn’t mean intelligence, and a beast could live it’s entire life utterly ignorant and in the dark on the truths of reality. Jael knew what some of his pack mates had done, but he also knew if wolves had their way Inferni would be destroyed or chased out of the area entirely. While Jael couldn’t stand for pointless bloodshed and murder, he couldn’t hold his soul above the rest, stating he’d never needlessly murdered in his life. He’d loved the old man like family, and killed him when he could stand no more, inhibited by arthritis and nearly blind in both eyes. The boy had believed he was doing him a favor, ending his life and allowing him peace, but the fear of death and regret for his action had taken over, chilling him to the bone when he’d stared into those blank, blind eyes.

         “I apologize for your loss—I myself do not condone needless bloodshed, and this sounded like it was utterly unnecessary. But lashing out at me will do nothing to bring back your children. I don’t even know this woman or her family of drug addicts. But Inferni houses it’s own when no one else will. Many of us are outcasts and have nowhere else to go, either hybrids or simply coyotes wishing to survive in numbers. Inferni takes us in, gives us a place to stay and acceptance where none else will. This woman should have been punished, obviously, but that won’t stop me from having faith in my own family.” For family was truly was Inferni was to Jael. Half of the clan, if not all, were related by honest blood ties or otherwise. He didn’t know he shared blood with this woman, but thus far his wolfen family had been far less forgiving for his mixed blood and choice of lifestyle than the coyote clan that took him in, disregarding his wolfish looks and traitorous, backstabbing father.


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