The strangeness of a face

yeaaah.. xD
mall-caps;color:#555555;line-height:10px;">i am picking at remains of other lives
and watching colors and tragic looking passerbys.

        This woman was ridiculous. At his apology anger seemed to explode from within her, bristling and snarling at the hybrid for nothing more than his honestly expressed sympathy. While he didn’t bare his teeth in return, Jael’s tone again become cold as ice. “You ignorant bitch,” he stated, voice level and colder than frost. He wouldn’t sink down to provocation, allowing this foolish woman to bait him and turn him into the monster she implied he was because of his coyote blood. If he did that, he would be nothing better than the instinctual animal he could be, rather than the intelligent, levelheaded intellect he preferred to express himself as. “I only offered my sympathy because I felt the needed to apologize for my species, because you seem to blame every single coyote alive for the actions of one. If you don’t wish to accept it, then don’t—I can’t force you and I don’t wish to try. You insult me, come to me with aggression when I was simply passing by, doing nothing to provoke you and minding my own business, and then you dare to call me names and call me a monster.”

        And he smiled, for he was beginning to see every day that there was no hope for the world. Jael had once wished to see species united, allowing all wolves and coyotes to reside side-by-side under one sky in peace, but he was slowly realizing that would never happen. The wall between them was too high and the scars too deep. None else would try, either, and Jael quickly grew tired of trying alone. He was simply preaching at a brick wall, talking to himself and knowing no one would ever answer him, joining him in his views. “Fuck you.” He turned away, continuing his passage as though uninterrupted by this woman. But he paused briefly, looking back to simply say, “Oh, and by the way.. yeah, I am a wolf,” before loping off into the trees without a second glance backward.


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