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If that was the truth then he ought to fit right in. Many thought him addled. Did that make him a genius? Newton and Einstein and other great minds of history were thought to be addled. Or maybe he was just Chicken Little screaming about the sky falling. That kid really was crazy. It was a toss up really. Genius or some mental disease yet to be found. It could be either or at this point. Thought perhaps the latter seemed to have more foundation.

Especially as ears stood erect as if he had heard something. And not that of the Patriarch's voice either. Something off to the side and into the ocean were he was suddenly staring with a tilt to his head as if he was listening to some sort of conversation. "I don't know... I don't think he looks half bad." There was a pause as if he was listening to some sort of unspoken response, seemingly having forgotten about the at least twice older wolf. Especially when he started out laughing again and shaking his head. "I don't think he will appreciate it if I started humping his leg just because the scars make him appear more rugged and handsome."

But then suddenly he seemed to sober up quickly as head snapped back around to look at the wolf that was still waiting on him to scamper off. Feet dropped back to the ground but he didn't bother to rise. Instead he fell to hands and knees before the reigning wolf. Head bowed low and tongue stuck out in order to attempt to lick at the older canine's feet. "One begs sanctuary Grand Sire. If only in passing. One was taught that only forward steps are acceptable. There is no reverse in the flow of time and so reverse should not be applied to one's life." The boy remained in a kneeling position upon the ground as he spoke softly.

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