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     He sighed audibly, rather uninterested in the rantings of the forlorn. The brute could only stroke stressfully at his brow when the fellow continued on with something about humping and handsome scars, something that Jefferson would normally have argued against but unsurprisingly felt no reason to in such a situation. Regardless, either the stranger was a little wronged in the cranium or was an all-out loony, either of which seemed feasible, and although the man on the ground appeared to be harmless despite such insanity, Jefferson knew from personal experience to never let a guard down with someone so unpredictable.

     He sort of collapsed down into some sort of heap, licking at the Patriarch's feet. The cyclops quickly stepped back to avoid it and groaned. "For God's sake, man, get off the ground and get to the point." Jefferson had never been one for complications and beating around the bush; he mentioned sanctuary, if not only temporarily, and the Patriarch went with that. "I'm not sure here is a good place for you," he judged, scowling, obviously put at edge by the uncanny behavior he was witnessing. Phoenix Valley might have been a home for dreamers, but not for complete loonies. "You don't have me impressed, anyway." If anyone was to be the blunt one in the conversation, it was to be Jefferson, after all.


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