home is where family is
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Unlike when she was younger, Noir had learned not to panic when she got herself stuck. This seemed to happen more often than what was natural, and she knew that shrieking and tossing would not make the situation any better. However, the girl gasped and started to wriggle when she saw Baby Duck collide with a pair of white feet. ”Uncle Ho, don’t eat Baby Duck!” the blonde screamed, scared that her pea brain uncle wanted to do just that. She was also worried that the collision could have damaged her not-too-smart duckling as well, but the duck got up eventually and wobbled away. Thankfully her uncle let the duck run its own private show and decided to come and take a closer look to her head instead. When he spoke, Noir felt her face blush slightly in sudden anger (or did she actually feel shame?). ”Uncle Ho, I’m not fat!” she said, mewling a bit under her breath at that thought. She had actually felt a bit fat lately, because she had begun to realize that she had outgrown Toefur by far now. Once they had been about the same size. Growing was good, but what if it was only fat?

The girl almost sighed at his proposal, but she guessed there was not much to do. ”You can lift up the roof thing, or else I cannot get out.” she said, beating her tail against the insides of the box in annoyance. Why had this happened just when the Ho-bag came to visit. The Aston child did not like making a fool out of herself, no matter if it happened often or not. Why was he here anyway? It was not that she was not happy to see him, because she was, she just was not in a position where she felt like showing her appreciation right now.


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