For all of the family and friends he had loved and lost, Calypso was once again alone. There was no tearing, life-jarring sadness. No, there hadn't been for years and years. God, had it really been so long since his horrifying adolescence? His daughter had grown up and moved on. She hadn't explained things to him, not really, but they had drifted lately and she just.. hadn't felt the need to say more than that she was leaving, and might not ever come back. Yeah, it hurt, but he always hurt so fucking much there was no way to tell it apart from the dull roar of pain that was his existence.

A familiar scent caught his attention as he wandered through the streets of this city, not far from what had once been his home, but now only held the ghosts of past sorrows. Familiar, but unbelievable. A hallucination, a result of too much wishing and not enough sleep. But he followed it anyway. Why not? He'd eaten just this morning, he didn't have any need to hunt. Cally honestly had nothing better to do with his time right at this moment than prove again to himself that his brain was fond of playing tricks.

It seemed, however, that his eyes had joined into this foul play. He blinked his honey hued orbs once, then again, but the figure stayed. It was like someone had dug through his memories and simply excavated the other male, his Chael.. They had certainly gotten all the details right. His scent was drowning in liquor, although his beautiful boy was shifted in more memories than not. What convinced him in the end, that this was real, might be real, were the very subtle hints of aging. The fading of some of his more previously striking markings. He was bigger, more.. solid. So real seeming!

Calypso walked closer, completely enthralled by the scent of the creature from his past. He nuzzled the other male's cheek, licked his chin. "You.." He breathed out, simple, unbelieving.

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