We Were Brave like Soldiers
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It was like a millions of creatures were screaming in his head. He could sense life everywhere, feel their primitive little compulsions, even though winter slumber had settled over the lands. This was an even greater ordeal in the summer, when life abounded everywhere. The ground pulsated with insects, arachnids, earthworms, all manner of small creates. Birds, whose songs were usually taken for granted as background ambience to the normal listener, were impossible to ignore. Hunters terrified the hunted. Parents nurtured their young. He’d even felt two squirrels mate the last time—that had been agonizingly intense, though thankfully short.

Though that had been nothing compared to the memories of another wolf flashing in his head right now. At first it was just another voice lost in the murmur of the mob, but as Skoll grew closer his sentience and memories become predominant in Phoenix’s head. “No…” he tried to scream aloud, though it didn’t amount to more than a distracted mumble, more groan than word. He saw things, heard things, felt things that he was never meant to experience. The horror of being forced to violate his friend’s deepest secrets was compounded by the terror of the memories themselves.

In those few moments he had learned more about Skoll than he had from hours of conversation; and, paradoxically, he also learned why Skoll 's past was arcanum. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! he began to shout in his head, both trying to drown the memories out with his own thoughts and beg Skoll for forgiveness. Suddenly all was quiet. His mind was back in his own head. Somehow the trauma of connecting unexpectedly with another wolf had been what it took to shock his telepathy back into submission. Though finally he found peace, Phoenix continued to lie here, whimpering.

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