We Were Brave like Soldiers

The alpha of Storm had spoken of his telepathy before, but Skoll had never thought much of it. Strange, unnatural abilities didn't seem that uncommon anymore, what with himself seeing spirits, and having met the extremely sensitive Graelthrim. With this relaxed view of seers and the like, he had never given much thought to Phoenix's ability, until now. That compulsion hadn't seemed malevolent, but there hadn't seemed to be any opportunity to resist it, either. It had taken the subject of his dwelling and run with it, and he could only assume that Phoenix had seen everything that he had seen...though for Phoenix it would be the first time.

He got his bearings again, and walked a short ways further, before coming upon the huddled form of his friend. Kneeling down, he studied him for a minute. This 'gift' of his seemed more like a curse to him...was this what he had in mind when he mentioned detecting lies? Curled up in a ball, whimpering alone to himself in obvious pain, he looked anything but savvy, but Skoll knew that he was simply seeing a moment of weakness. Every wolf--even alphas--had them, alphas just usually had them alone. Given that he had probably collapsed some time ago, it was Skoll's fault for walking in on him, seemingly. If he were in control, the bronze wolf did not expect he would find him in this state. Because of these factors, his anger was stayed, it had not been an intentional invasion.

Still, it would probably be best for me to make my way away from here, before he unearths something worse. There were many horrors, even in the Four Pack War, that still remained locked in his mind, and it was no doubt unhealthy for Phoenix to be exposed to any more. Phrexus, SteelRose, Yvret One-Eye...and that was from just one conflict. If he found the War of Shadows, well...Skoll did not want to think of what that might do to his friend's psyche. Even he, with all of his experience and hard edges, still had trouble getting to sleep at night.

"Are you alright, Phoenix? Do you need help? I can go get someone if you like." Sure he wasn't technically a Storm member, but he had enough friends within its boundaries that he could intrude long enough to bring someone who could take him back to his den. He had never seen Phoenix in the depths of one of these mind storms before, and he wasn't sure how long or how ferocious it would burn in his brain before it let up. For all he knew, it had ceased already.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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