We Were Brave like Soldiers

Skoll was taken aback at first by Phoenix's inquiry, but bit back any sort of knee-jerk response. He had to think about that, he had been here for three years, and he had not actually gone after the fairer sex at all in that time. After a few more moments of consideration, he nodded silently.

"Yes, I think that is why." How stupid. He had let that one event damn him to being alone for the better part of his life. He was so old, now, he was already a little slower than he had been a year ago; supposing that he stayed with his profession, which he didn't really have a choice about, it wouldn't be forever before his age caught up with his skill and he fell. He had known real happiness for a few weeks, and known some contentment in dedicating himself to protecting Storm. Now that he had neither, he didn't know what was left to him. He liked being his own master, that much was true, but he had no real purpose.

"I tried a few times. There was a woman in Storm back before you arrived, but she vanished before I said anything. There was another that I was attracted to, but I let my job side-track me. I thought it was for the best, a time afterward. After all, when it comes down to it, I am a warrior before a lover, anyway. Any time the two conflict, I go with the one that I've known the longest." He didn't know what was to be done for it. It wasn't likely that he'd be all that appealing to women anymore, anyway. Galdra had seen past his scars, maybe even appreciated them, but most females would see him as a ragged vagabond, to be avoided more than anything. His age didn't help matters, no more than would the rumors that Gabriel and his follower would spread.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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