Christmas in July 2009


__Character Name: Dawali Amara

__Character Species: Red wolf / Canis rufus

__Character Gender: Male

__Character Age: 5 years

__Scars: One large on his back, one smaller on the right side of his chest - heart-height. He has some very small scars across his face although they're detail and hardly worth fiddling with.

__Example Pictures: see current avatar / the SoulsWiki article about Dawali / a google image search for canis rufus / the wiki article on red wolf.

__Character Description: He's the average red wolf. Yellow eyes. Often has feathers in his mane, and is hardly ever in his four-legged form.

__Text: No text on the avatar please Smile


__Table Size Preference: I generally like between 350px to 450px width.

__Color Scheme: Something that matches this pretty new skin?

__Mood: Right now he's struggling with himself, feeling weighed down by responsibility, and how responsibility and fear caused him to kill Brennt in the name of justice. His feelings about this is mixed, however, as he still knows he was in the right to kill the criminal.

__Lyrics: No lyrics, but his new slogan "Custos morum" perhaps? It means "Keeper of Morals".


__Other: I am very happy with my sig right now, as it's quite neutral. However if you really want to make one to complete the set, by all means feel free! I'd prefer a simple image and some text, maybe just his name or his slogan again in English or something?

__Best Way to Contact you: By PM to my Dawali Amara account Smile


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