Monster at your door
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!! out of character.


Svara listened and felt content with the she wolfs answers. To her love was her goal. It was strange how she the pain in the ass she was, seeked love from those she thought would give it. "I don't know you. I never did. I thought maybe once that I had, but I was proven wrong." Looking upon the rolling trees the she wolf wondered how much this pack had grown? Did she want an enemy out of them? The answer was already there set before her as she sat in a tree near the border. No, she didn't want an enemy out of Dahlia, or really anyone for that matter. Of course it didn't change that she had them.

"Well if you can imagin it then maybe you understand it." Svara said after a little while. A small smile lifted the corner of the red wolfs mouth. She couldn't figure out why she was still here, she should already have left. It was Dahlia that she had come for, or staid for. She ignored the womens comment, since all the adonis ever did was what she wanted. Was that why Svara liked her so much? "I wish I knew why I did. Sometimes I just wake up and feel it deep in my gut. I figure it's probably guilt sinking her claws into my soul." Svara said on a chuckle. "And here lay my mistakes with you. I have to stop veiwing you as my friend." Jumping out of the tree the constable stood her full height and started walking away. "Goodbye Adonis and sorry about the lavender." Svara called out not looking back as she started walking home.


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