back from the brink.


Anselm had slept little in the past week. His focus had been on getting home and he had barely stopped to eat. Meals to go, please. A squirrel here, a rabbit there--all of these things could be taken on the run, if need be. He hadn't slept long but that rest was deep and peaceful. Still, with eyes closed, his ears were always open. Perhaps that was why it was hard to startle the golden male or catch him by surprise--you couldn't sneak up on those with eyes in the back of their head.
At Gabriel's call, his mind switched on and his eyes shot open. There was no gradual transition from slumber to wakefulness--especially with his cousin's call serving as oil for the machine. Something instinctual had awoken inside of him, and he rose to his feet at once. At the site of the doggish male's face, Anselm could not help but emit a high-pitched, excited whine as he galloped over, rapidly closing any distance between them. His tail swung freely behind him and he used his nose to bump against the bottom of Gabe's chin as he planted several kisses of greeting and submission on the leader's cheeks.
This display did not last awfully long, lest it become awkward or bizarre. He lightly bumped his shoulder against the other canine's chest in the equivalent of a bizarre quadruped hug or sign of camaraderie. He then stepped back several feet, though his tail continued to sweep across the ground behind him. For several more moments he was silent--words hadn't quite been necessary. Finally, something new crept across his face--a smile--and he exhaled easily as he addressed the only real companion he'd ever known: "I suppose my concerns of disturbing you this late were unfounded, eh?" Ultimately, it didn't particularly surprise him that Gabe was still out and about. In fact, he was quite glad.

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