back from the brink.


The mystery-man's mysterious identity both intrigued and concerned him--why wasn't Gabe willing to share? It seemed as though his cousin knew, which wasn't very surprising; Gabe kept a pretty close eye on his clan and with Ryan in the leadership, it made sense that they'd developed trust between one another and talked. For now, all he could do was nod dumbly. Part of him had baulked at the idea of her getting into this sort of thing so young--but a bigger part of him sarcastically reminded him of what he had been doing at her age, and he couldn't become too upset, lest he be a hypocrite. At any rate, she was alive and doing well, she'd made it so far without him, and he wasn't particularly worried. It wasn't as if Anselm wouldn't defend her (he would at the drop of a hat), he just trusted her to also take care of herself.
Gabe's question brought him back down to earth. "You got me there," he replied simply, mirroring the doggish male's smile with one of his own. "Which begs the question... how is the political atmosphere these days?" Anselm had come straight across the mountain to Inferni and hadn't bothered to go anywhere else. Now that he was here, he didn't really want to leave for a few days (at least), and asking was easier and less risky than snooping around and possibly stepping on toes. "That fuckhead from Dahlia ever come back?" he wondered, referring to Haku. Although Anselm disliked most he met, he reserved pure hatred for only a lucky few. It was such a strong, dominating emotion that he couldn't normally be bothered with, but the chocolate male held a special place in a blackened corner of his heart.

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