j ; thunder on the horizon ; [Leader, please]
He should have realized that the poor kid would have been frightened by anyone's sudden appearance. Hell, he'd been a horrible trembling powderpuff when he was her age. He frowned slightly when she tried to shrink back further into the bushes as he called softly. "Hey, I ain't gonna hurt you.." He frowned for a second as he continued, "You're on clan land.." he said with a slight smile. He could tell she wasn't of the clan, there was no clinging scent of Inferni and she was half starved. He cocked his head to the side as he laid down on the ground before her shelter and asked. "Where's your mommy?" a word he thought he'd never use and yet so quickly it came forth as he tried to figured out just where the little rain speckled one had come from.

He shook his head slightly as the rain began to fall, the patter as it hit the ground and the bushes about them seemed to kill the chance of silence, but he didn't mind. He tried to smile a friendly smile again as he chuckled at the answer he'd given her. "Yeah.. it's raining.. but a little rain never hurt anyone..." It did tend to make them uncomfortable and a little soggy, but nothing a warm fire or snug den wouldn't cure.

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