this place is a prison

Thought we could just fade to black <3 If you want to keep going though just let me know. 300+

........With time perhaps she would feel at home again, feel completely safe in the house again. It was just impossible to think about for her now. Right now everything seemed too broken for it to be pieced back together again. Maybe once she got over her sadness things would feel okay again. After all Naniko was gone now and that awful awful stuff along with her. No one would let that stuff back into the house again, that much the pup trusted. She never wanted to ever hear about that powder ever again. The fact that her body seemed to want it was so scary. But if she was never around it again it would be okay, wouldn't it? She wouldn't go looking for it, she knew it was bad.

........If Cambria had been normal she would have giggled at her brother's little jump. There were no giggles this time, though she did feel a bit happier. Gotham had gone and done something very nice for her because he wanted her to be happy again. She had such a good brother, and good sister too. The pup couldn't imagine ever being parted from her family. Nothing would ever make her leave Crimson Dreams, that was unimaginable to her.

........Despite feeling better, she still did not feel up to playing. Sadly the brown girl shook her head from side to side. Sowwies Gotham, I dun feel likes pwayin'. Bu' I do wants you ta stay in here wifs us." Those oceanic orbs looked up at her brother and she scooted over to make room for him beside her in the closet. Right now this is what she needed. She needed his kind words and his warmth. Just laying there in that comfortable space and talking with him was what was best for her right now.


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