the only answer at a time like this

"Of course we want you! Of course!" She blurted out rather suddenly, snapping her jaws shut with a tight click once she realized her sudden outburst. He couldn't expect her to not be excited, especially at the prospect of him coming to live in Storm, in the same pack that she was in. So many things had gone wrong, had twisted away from the path that she had expected them to take, but now the prospect of something grand happening was bringing her hopes back. Smiling wide, completely in a daze by the moments that had been granted with him, Phasma slid herself forward some, legs curled up near her body, which came to rest against the gray fur of her beloved Tsunami. She'd sit like that for as long as she could, for as long as he would allow her to, and she would speak to him of the things he asked about.

"Aremys.." It was Aremys when he was last with his family, wasn't it? "Shortly after you were washed away, we were attacked by Inferni. Kaena, she killed children, defenseless children, and they forced us from the lands. I called for retreat to the Moaning Wood and we decided it would be safer to stay there. Part of what was Syemv is now the coyote's home, including the house." It had been a sad turn of events, the start of all the horrible things that would come. "It was hard for us, not just the children and I, but for the people who'd been used to living in the house in Syemv. I decided, not to long after that, that I would take whoever wanted to come with me, we'd move to teh city and I would refound Syemv. Physe and a few others came to Storm, the rest followed me and we built ourselves a small community in the city." It was one of the better decisions that she'd ever made, everyone had been so happy there. "It was wonderful there, it really was, but it didn't last more than a few months. Eventually our numbers dropped to nothing and I was forced to disband those who were left behind."

It had been a painful decision but one that she had to make for the sake of those who were left. Phasma paused then, for a short moment, slate eyes washing across his face as she sat against him. "I found Ire's body only the day after and Willow has been missing ever since the day that I had to disband Syemv." She had a feeling that Willow had discovered Ire's body before she had, that it might have been the reason she would have run off. "Gibraltar left Storm some time ago, something about losing to many people to be able to stay. Phoenix, a friend of mine, took over. I came to see him and his mate, Iskata, they had pups, and Phoenix took me aside and invited me to Storm as his Gamma. I've been here ever since then." Of course, a story often brought about more questions, especially if the one listening knew some of the characters.


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