reluctantly waiting for you to interfere [p]
258 words, yay @ my first successful attempt to post during lunch break! XD

Savina arrived, and actually she came more quickly than Ares had expected. That was good - the silence between brother and sister felt strained, to him, even though he knew it was probably just in his head. It was the tension of the moment, the excitement, the disbelief that this was really happening. "Thank you for coming, Savina." He tried to sound very serious and solemn, but the thrill of this very amazing event crept into his voice. He remembered to tilt his ears back, drop his tail, etc etc, the tiny aspects of body posture to show proper respect. Golden eyes that hadn't quite been making eye contact swiveled over to his tear-streaked sister. God, she looked pitiful. His heart swelled with the love he had for her. Even now, even with Tokyo in control of her life again, she was coming back to him.

"This is Princess." Proudly, his adoration of her ringing clear. "She's my sister. She's staying with... Tokyo" - the last word basically spat - "but she found out I was here and wants to join Crimson Dreams instead, to stay here with me, can she?" Ares probably should have been more formal; he realized after the fact that he sounded an awful lot like a little kid, pleading with an adult for some grand favor that he wasn't quite sure he was going to get but he wanted really badly. But he couldn't take back his words, so he just glanced up at Savina, unintentionally giving quite the case of puppy-dog eyes.

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