people in a dream wait for the machine.

Jezebel still did not know much of Gabriel's past and family; the small inconsequential things that only someone enamored with him would want to know. She figured that they would have enough time together for her to get to know these kinds of things, and hopefully she would find a great friendship within Kaena that she would get to know another side of Gabriel as well, perhaps even another side of his family.

“Yes I did,” she affirmed with an impish smile, thinking back on the memories she had of him when he was young and more wild. “Do not worry,” Jezebel assured. “The War is not something any of us would like to talk about freely.” Jezebel could see why Gabriel had never been really specific about it. The Scintilla War was certainly a subject she herself preferred to avoid, though from time to time it ended up being mentioned and the crimson eyed woman would think briefly back on those dark times. The scent of fire was certainly the first memory to come alive; to bloom and spread like in its own right, a wild fire. Just being near a small, harmless campfire or breathing in its smoke brought on vivid hallucinations that most would rather forget. It was hard to numb these feelings and Jezebel had never been a fan of using alcohol or narcotics, being someone who never liked to loose control. Her other memories of the war were mainly centered around the torture room and medical camp, hearing the screams of pain that she inflicted upon the enemy then leaving just to hear the screams of her injured comrades. Going from one extreme to another.

Through all of this though: the tortures she had inflicted, the deaths, the fire, Jezebel had remained quite sane and devout towards her religion, towards God. So when Kaena asked what it was like for her, Jezebel just smiled, voice growing a little hushed. “It was hard,” she at first admitted, sliding down with her legs out in front of her, her cross pressing comfortingly against her chest as it became trapped between herself and the ground. “I witnessed, like I'm sure Gabriel has, many horrible things that, for my sanity's sake, I do not care to mention. My duty's were to torture and interrogate the enemy and also work as a field medic since I had a knack for remedies,” she explained, adding quietly; “and poisons.” A mixture of pride and disgust in her voice. “I was under the command of Gabriel, like many others, but we both grew close and formed a friendship. He talked about his family a lot and taught me about God and religion.” Jezebel added with a more happier smile, tail giving a light sway before she continued. “Some time during the war a fire started and many died, subsequently ending it. Since then I've traveled on my own, and it wasn't until recently that I discovered Gabriel was still alive and doing well.” After almost two years of searching for him, she left out, not wanting to seem to openly eager about their reunion.

“I'm sure Gabriel has told you about the fire though,” she lastly assumed, before falling silent and pawing lightly at the earth, not sure if she wanted to meet the others woman's only golden eye just yet.


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