Seeds of change
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Green eyes took in the jaded surroundings, the peeled paint, the dirty carpets. If this place was cleaned up a little it would look really good but it seemed that no one had attempted to do so since the humans had left the apartments behind. She sniffed about, trying to catch Sabeen's scent. It smelled oddly, her friend's had a tinge of copper to it, of blood. She was injured? Naniko frowned at the thought and continued her search.

She came into the room, her eyes now worried. Why was Sabeen laying on the floor? She nosed her a little, observing the woman's injuries with a sharp gaze. "Sabeen?" She questioned, trying to rouse the other. She felt warm, so the healer knew that Sabeen wasn't dead....but what had happened to her? "What happened to you?" She voiced the thought aloud.


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