pulling life's trigger
Character Name: Zack Thames
Character Birthdate (including year): March 13th, 2008.
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Yup.
Species: Wolf, of course (although he has traces of dog in him), as well as a Luperci. (:
Gender: Male.
A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M). MSN - ohmorganmomma@hotmail.com
Initial post:

It had been three weeks before Zack came across a scent, one other than a rabbit or rat scurrying across the plains. It was canine, he was sure. As he approchoached the edges of the land inhabited by a pack - even though he did not know what pack, he knew it was a pack - Zack felt relieved. Soon, perhaps, he might be able to rest. His dark rust colored fur swayed lightly and calmly in the sudden breeze. The brute blinked his bloodshot eyes in utter shock and excitement. He made his way deeper into the land of this pack, while in his Optime form, thinking about the luxurity that lay ahead of him.

"Come out, whoever lives here," He said, lost for words. Who did live here, if anyone? "Where ever you are. Don't keep Zack waiting," Zack murmured quietly, suddenly feeling sorry for himself. Everyone had it so easily. Of course, except for him. The especially odd thing was that he started thinking about something that he hadn't given a thought to in a while: his family. Zack wondered what happened to the old group of fools, but gave no further thought to it. He turned slightly around, stuck a grubby, grease covered hand in his old mangy backpack and pulled out a thick piece of beef jerky. Taking a large chunk of it off with his mouth, he swallowed it hungrily.

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