Pop! Goes the Weasel


His offer to help his search scratched at his heart. Half of him begged for as much help as he could get. He wanted to find Naniko as soon as possible, in fact it was becoming quite the little obsession of his. With Mahlouk missing his worries haunting him if he didn't stay busy. Every night he would lay in his bed, staring at the crimson walls and wonder. Thinking about where he was, why he had left, if everything was okay. The white male wasn't actually small, but he was not capable of socializing in a manor exceptable to most. His speech was primitive and sometimes it was hard for him to express his feelings or talk for long periods of times. It was like he was a young pup, but his actions where so thought felt. "I'll find her eventually, I'm sure." He said with a nod of thanks. It was nice of him to offer in the first place.

He chuckled slightly, "Yes, well the name and body is thanks to a long line of warriors. My father told me when I was a pup that to be a member of the Knight family meant a duty to protect others. The size thing just was lucky breeding I suppose." Without the giant gene he probably wouldn't be where he was. His size simply let him protect others easily. "Well, I suppose I'm your human semi-obsessed acquaintance then." He chuckled with a wink. Humans where a huge hobby of his. Their inventions where certainly something he spent his time investigating. The last question caught him off guard. How was he suppose to answer that? Looking to the male he finally decided honesty was the best policy. "She's sick you could say." He mumbled. "Nani's been doing drugs behind the packs back and some of it was found by one of the other leaders pups. Needless to say she's been kicked out of the pack until she gets clean. I'm just looking to see how she's doing. I've known her since I was a little guy." Looking at the male once over a question shot out, "So do you know how to give tattoos?"
The dye in his fur gave the impression that he may know something.


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