then comes dudley.

It's fine! You write so well. Smile

indent Nighttime was approaching, or, that was what Kansas thought. Noon had been several hours ago, and he could tell that the sun was beginning its steady journey to the horizon. Shadows were elongated, and where the sun did shine it shone brightly, making the snow on the ground shimmer like gold. It was a beautiful thing, and gave the boy the same sort of calm feeling he always got when bedtime was near. It was then that he could relax and feel totally at peace, perhaps nestled among his siblings, listening to story told by Phoenix. He was a strange child, to look forward to bedtime.

indent The boy still had a few hours left of daylight, so he opted to go to the river. It wasn’t far from the den site, and was easy to find because of the creek that stemmed out from it. Kansas walked casually alongside the icy creek, following the curves and pivots it made as he did so. He was careful with where he placed his paws – he didn’t want to slip and fall into the icy water. He shivered at the thought of having this happen to him and slowed down even more with his eyes on his paws.

indent Finally, he heard the dull roar that signified the river coming close. He continued to watch his step until the rapids were in sight, and moved to a safer distance from the creek before breaking out into a run. He jogged onto the riverbank, which was covered in rocks and sand. But he was surprised to see someone there. It was a shifted wolf, obviously a female by the shape of her body. He studied her gray fur and smiled as he trotted toward her. Just as he was drawing up beside her, a rock tilted from a larger boulder and slipped with a clink into the river. He heard her whisper something, and spoke up immediately. What’s riv…riv'ting?


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